Mid-Texas Symphony Running Team - TIR 2010

(left to right): Arturo Aldama, Liz Levin Pittel, Fred Ramirez, James Baker, Dorian Ramirez, The Mad Director (standing in for Maeve Goetz), Alan Pekarik, David Horne, Marie Pekarik, Jonathan Hager, Holly Murphy-Brackin, and Steve Hager

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Beach to Bay 2009

Just a reminder to not let your sneakers cool off too much after the success at TIR since Beach to Bay is not far away. I don't know about the rest of you, but I was looking forward to running the Capital 10K this coming weekend, using it as an opportunity to get a little more speed under my feet, but I don't think I'm going to make it to Austin. The weekend is just TOO busy, what with Mid-Texas Symphony activities and all. My, I guess if we call ourselves the Mid-Texas Symphony runners it's best that some of us every now and then play some rehearsals and a concert.

Here's where we now stand on Beach to Bay:
The race, of course, is Saturday, May 16. Team runners will meet in Corpus Friday afternoon for packet pickup. We'll determine the details of this as we approach the date. Dorian has once again procured use of the condo on the island. Several of us will be staying there Friday night. I believe, as was the case last year, that Liz will stay with Dorian and Fred.

The Roster:
Steve Hager
Jonathon Hager
Fred Ramirez
James Baker
Liz Pittel
Zenna James

Steve warned me about 6 months ago that he was thinking of forming a Hager Family team. Fortunately for our MTS team, Steve's defection didn't happen. Thus, barring any sticky complications, both Steve and Jon will run with us. (Jon, let me know, please.) Unfortunately, Dorian is running with a primo women's masters team which is hoping to place in their division. Good luck, but we miss you already. In Dorian's place, I have invited my step-daughter Zenna to run. As many of you know, Zenna and I have been running together now and then, plus we had a great time with the 3M Half-Marathon as a team. I know you will all welcome Zenna.

So......I'm looking forward to this year's Beach to Bay. We can be very proud to have been a part of this event, now in its 34th year, as it has grown immensely into the largest relay marathon in the country.

I haven't thought much yet about leg assignments but will certainly entertain anyone's preferences, though this doesn't guarantee anything. Ha! I love being the captain and sounding as if I'm in control. Of course, Jon will be our money horse again, running the anchor. I've always done the first leg, on the beach. Anyone else interested in that one?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Who Owes What?

Hey gang, I finally crunched some numbers and this is what I came up with:

TIR2009 Expenses

1. Race entry = $900
2. Van rentals = $200 per van
3. Fuel (Van 1 based on 22.5 mpg, $1.80 per gal., 538 miles) = $43.00
4. Fuel (Van 2 / 381 miles) = $31.00
5. Team shirts (12@$10/ea.) = $120
a. Total = 1494.00
b. Less donation from Mid-Texas Symphony = $250
c. $1244.00

Per person = $103.67

Out of pocket (James) [Entry, Van 1 expenses, team shirts] = $1263
Out of pocket (Alan) [Van 2 expenses] = $231

Alan = (127.33)
James = (1159.33)
Everyone else = 103.67

I'm no CPA, but hopefully you can see where the numbers originated. Any questions, just ask.

I will see several of you at the end of the month at Mid-Texas Symphony. Others can mail me a check for what they owe:

James Baker
1003 Shadwell
San Antonio, TX 78228

Thanks! Registration apparently begins today for next year's race, though I have not yet seen the official date. I'll be looking for the best opportunity to jump in and get us signed up with the early discount, etc.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lacing up Loose Ends

Patience! I'll get those costs posted in a day or so, but for now I thought I would give an accounting of our story for the 2009 TIR. I doubt any of us had any real idea of how this one would turn out. 2008 had surprised us all; why wouldn't 2009 be the same? Of course, there were a number of variables at work, as will always be the case from one year to the next. Mother Nature smiled again this year on the TIR. A week earlier or a week later and it would have been a different matter. We also managed this year's race without dedicated drivers, a strategy which worked ok. I know next year Brenda will be chomping at the bit to be part of our 203 mile parade, so we will of course accomodate her as the designated driver of van 1. That's another of those variables which will need to be renogotiated since our fleet of two "8 passenger" vans was just about perfect for 12 runners, 6 per van, but might be a bit tight with a non-runner driver.

My intention all along for 2009 was a team of 12 runners. Yes, we had negotiated the relay in its first year with 10 runners, but I knew I was not the only one who had faded in my 4th and final leg. A team of 12 would open more options and give relief to those who could run a better race if only required to cover 3 legs. Also, I was determined to make Dorian and Fred Ramirez, regulars on the team which annually runs Beach to Bay, members of the TIR team. One of my sad memories of last year was

seeing Dorian on the sidelines at the finish line. I was thankful she had come along to drive and I know that's really like a roster spot on the team, but for her to get no medal and no official shirt was something which needed to be mended. Thankfully, Dorian and Fred were available and willing to join us. I was also thrilled that everyone else from 2008 seemed unanimous in wanting to run with the team again. Ten runners from 2008 plus 2 new runners adds up to 12, doesn't it? Using old math, that's so, but our reality is that runners can't always control their schedules.

The first hurdle was making sure the 2009 weekend was free from any conflict with the Mid-Texas Symphony. Whew! It was! But once Jonathon got settled into med school in Houston there were questions of his availablity. Anyone who has ever known a doctor-to-be knows they are used and abused. They give their lives over to the program and hope there's still time to eat and sleep. Thankfully, Jon learned the ropes and we cleared that hurdle. But the next hurdle proved more troublesome since Maeve had a conflict with a track meet she was supposed to help supervise. It didn't look good, and this of course meant we would not only lose a runner, but our second fastest runner. What to do? We all searched high and low and ne'er a runner did we find. Thankfully, Maeve continued to indicate she was interested, if only something would break. Finally, I had to erase Maeve from our roster after she gave the news that she couldn't skip the track meet.

While all this calculating and recalculating the leg assignments went on, team members sat patiently. Brenda, not quite so patient, was anxious to finalize her van assignments and schedules. "Tomorrow is my drop dead date," she said. I didn't even know what a "drop dead date" was but I guessed it wasn't negotiable. With one last ace up my sleeve, I called Maeve and asked if she would be willing to meet us on the course, around the mid-point, and from there run three legs. "Yes," she said, and I was elated. Back to the drawing board on leg assignments and also back to wondering, in the back of my mind, what sort of time we might be able to pull off. The official worksheet predicted a team average pace of 9:44, but I knew better. I saved our best speed for the final 5 legs, knowing that couldn't hurt.

Creative leg assignments, I called them, and they made for somewhat creative van pickup and drop-off assignments, but Brenda soldiered through and got everything ironed out. UPS dropped off Brenda's "care package" on Thursday. I knew we were in for something special when I opened the box and one of her specially made reflector vests (more like little billboards) was flashing away. Cool, I thought, and that's the reaction I got Friday night when I showed them off to the early arriving members of the team. Likewise, eyes lit up with the unveiling of an official team shirt, a designing and printing collaboration with my wife Jane. Although all that glitters is not gold, the gold leaf overlay on the letter "S" of Symphony impressed us all.

Let me be the first to tell you we are a smart bunch of people. Professionals all, we are teachers, chemists, lawyers, engineers, radio producers, a doctor-to-be. Yet, as we met Friday evening to go over a few logistics, it was suggested that we synchronize our watches.

"Good idea," everyone said as they looked to see what time they had. Of course, no two watches agreed.

"I'm in radio," I proclaimed. "My watch is right."

"OK. What time do you have?" asked Alan.


Everyone studied their watches and then, in unison, said "we'll figure it out." No one in this brainy bunch could remember how to reset their watches!

Oh how we could have used Brenda on race morning! We got there fine. Steve, Brian and Denise were waiting for us as we pulled up into the stadium parking lot. We finished loading the vans, and then caught the shuttle bus to the starting line. It sure would have been nice to have someone look after our odds and ends as the team ran its prologue mile plus before catapulting Alan off on leg 1 of our adventure. No time to linger now. Alan is fast and we've got to have Dorian there at the handoff to leg 2. We hop on the shuttle and then we are on the road, the beginnings of a marathon of 40 legs, 203 miles, a choreography of constant motion.

Feet flew. It was apparent from the crowds at the early leg exchanges that many more runners were on the course than last year. In fact, there turned out to be 158 teams, as opposed to 112 in 2008. Jay Hillscher, the co-director with his wife Joy, had told me it was about evenly balanced between returning teams from last year and new teams. Great! I think everyone participating in the TIR wishes the best of success for this race. The logistics are well managed, which is not to say perfect, but few details go untended. This year I had a chance to see how the race unfolds, how the volunteers are sometimes just barely ahead of the lead runners. Twice my van 1 runners leapfrogged ahead of the leading edge of the race and we could watch the gathering storm of runners as first one, then another, and finally a steady stream flowed through the little towns and the countryside. It's really quite amazing.
At one point our van 1 runners drove to our next active handoff point, the start of leg 22, and found ourselves ahead of everyone, including the volunteers. We settled into a brief rest period as the only van parked next to a grain elevator and woke a bit later to bright spotlights and the first runners passing through. This was before midnight when we once again became the active team of runners.

By the middle of Saturday afternoon we had begun to settle into a pace. Each team van stopped in Moulton for sandwiches at my sister Kay's house. (Thank you, Kay.) Alarm began to creep in when Jonathon started complaining of sharp pains in his knee. At this point, he had only run the first of his 4 legs. We began to make contingency plans. Thankfully, Jon bounced back each time he was called on and he ran his heart out.

Meanwhile, Brenda was sitting at home in Garland waiting for progress reports. I knew she wouldn't resist analyzing data as it was reported to her and comparing it to last year. After all, she would say, "I AM an analyst!" Early reports were that we were slightly behind our 2008 pace. No need for alarm, I thought. Let's run a strategic race, something which had been on my mind when I worked out the leg assignments. I plotted for maximizing the strengths of each runner. A few hours later, Brenda reported we were 23 minutes ahead of 2008. We all smiled. Later Brenda called and said her calculation had been wrong, that we were actually still running behind last year's pace. We still smiled. Analytical minds began to calculate and everyone had a different idea of what the ultimate result might be. Of course, Jon was still nursing a painful knee. I was battling a persistent cold. The team was a mixture of runners who had trained and those who had trained harder.

At leg 35 the strategy of leg assignments began to come into full play. I was determined I would run the 35th leg better than I had the year before (when I meandered off course for about 10 minutes). Also, the benefit of requiring only three legs from certain runners was paying off. We were fading less than last year. Yet the last 4 legs were for the strongest runners on the team and each of them would be on a 4th leg. Would they fade? And would the heat of the afternoon play a role? Maeve (remember her?) had linked up with van 2 late Saturday night in time to run 3 legs, beginning with 20. Her leg assignments were compressed. I hoped this wouldn't diminish her performance too dramatically. The heat, it turned out, beat her up on leg 36, but I don't think anyone else on the team could have run it with her speed and determination. She handed off to Dorian. Like her husband Fred, Dorian is a triathlete. Need I say more about her ability to deliver the goods, and deliver she did, handing off under a sun drenched sky to Alan.

We all know Alan as an excellent runner. He also did a great job, along with his wife Marie, of driving van 2 throughout the race.
Every time I saw him, he always had the van 2 notebook under his arm and a pen ready to record a runner's finishing time. This time, it was just Alan, his cap worn with the bill to the back, as is his custom, and a bunch of bottled up competiveness. This was a challenging leg, over 6 miles long, but made for Alan and his strength of competitive pace. None of us who saw the end of Alan's leg 38 will forget the sprint as he turned into the final 40 yards. He had been running stride for stride with a runner from another team. As they approached the end they asked the question of each other: "What'cha got left?" The competitive sprint was absolutely spine-tingling.

Liz gave her all to leg 39, as I knew she would, for she is as determined a runner as any I know. Liz handed off to Jon and the anchor leg was in motion. The buzz at this handoff point was that Governor Rick Perry was only minutes behind. No time to tarry, and not really much interest on our part in lingering around to see Perry come in. We knew Jonathon would give his all and it would be everything we could manage to get to the finish line ahead of him. The traffic was backed up as we all leaned forward to try to push along the momentum of the runners and tourists driving onto the grounds of the San Jacinto Monument. We were all on the edge of exhaustion, but the finish line kept us alert to the reality that all our work and planning had paid off. We would shatter last year's finish of 31 hours 19 minutes.

Jonathon crossed the finish line at 30 hours 40 minutes and a few seconds. Van 1 was barely there in time to greet him. Triumphantly, our proud team of 12 ran the final epilogue of about a third of a mile to our reward of showy finisher medals and pizza. And there we were met by Holly's husband Ed, who graciously agreed to take a series of team pictures. Once again, we wore with pride our new team shirts, proclaiming Mid-Texas Symphony. In designing the front of the shirt I had written last year's finish time as a reminder of what we needed to beat. AND WE DID IT! Already there's talk of breaking 30 hours next year. Now let's see.....train, train, train.

Best moments for me this year: In the middle of the night, running out leg 25, a car approached me, slowed, and someone leaned out the window asking "What race is this?" I replied "Texas Independence Relay" but was determined to keep my pace, keep running. The Brazos River bridge loomed ahead. The carload of driver and 3 passengers began backing up, becoming somewhat beligerant about wanting to know about the race. I refused to stop to talk to them. At that time, a support van for another team came along. "Is that car with you?" they asked, sensing my dilemna. "No," I replied. Thanks to the members of that team, who intervened on my behalf and disarmed what might have been an unpleasant experience.

Being welcomed to Borden, population 22, by one of those 22 residents. Their hospitality was as real as it gets.

The energy of the race, which is a product of the organization and the spirit of those who are running, cheering and supporting the efforts of teammates and other teams. This is truly a remarkable experience.

Finally, the message I got from Holly after the race, telling me of her year battling thyroid cancer. She had just gotten back from the doctor, who told her she was cancer-free. Now that one made me cry with joy.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Costs Coming Soon

Hey Guys,

I'm still battling this cold and now some back spasms which come every now and then, so I still haven't put together those cost numbers yet. Never fear, I'll get that info posted really soon. No one should be concerned. The numbers are going to be very reasonable.

Thanks once more for everyone's participation in such a special effort. And thanks to everyone responsible for contributions towards defraying little out of pocket expenses which I would never have thought to add into the mix. You are a great bunch of people and I am thankful for what everyone has done towards our cause of having a good time, all the while staying in motion for a good day and a half. Ah....it was just this time last week.....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Holly's News Conference

That's what Holly wrote, that she felt like calling a news conference about the good news her doctor gave her earlier today. "I'm just really grateful that everything worked out the way that it did and that I am still able to get out and do what I enjoy. Plus, it's really nice to be on a relay team that is patient when I'm out there running. Next year the next runner won't get quite as much rest."

I felt lucky last year that we were able to include some "strangers" on our little team of running musicians. Of course, those strangers included Denise and Brian, Maeve, Alan and Marie who joined us from Houston, and Holly, who joined us from over near College Station. The team melded together immediately and we all felt blessed with new friendships. That's one of the reasons I felt it so important to keep everyone involved from last year as we added the additional links of Fred and Dorian. I was elated, and I know everyone else was too, when we finally figured out how to get Maeve back running with us.

Now, please follow along with this story and we'll all see how special it will be if we can run this exact same team at next year's TIR. As I pulled together this and that for the 2009 team I stumbled upon a blog which Holly had begun just after last year's race and I was moved by her admission that joining a bunch of complete strangers for a 203 mile relay was not something which came naturally for her. She went on to say what a great time she had. This is a testament to what a great group of people had come together to make our 2008 Mid-Texas Symphony team. The relay came and went and we all went our separate ways. I heard a short time later from Holly that she had taken a spill while running and had broken her arm. These things happen. I wished her a rapid recovery.

When the Rock'n'Roll San Antonio Marathon came around in November I heard from several of our team who were going to run. Holly volunteered that she had gone through some surgeries but was determined to complete the marathon. My assumption was that the broken arm was a little complicated and had required some additional procedures to make everything right. Little did I know......

Holly writes:
"Last October I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I had surgery twice in October and ran a little in November. In December I had to go on the diet from hell and have a radiation treatment (no running at all in December). January was spent trying to adjust to my medication (very little running). I just got back from the doctor and there is no sign of the cancer - to celebrate, I'm going to concentrate on increasing my speed. Look out Maeve, here I come!

"Just thought I'd share the good news!"

I have always been amazed at the multitude of lessons we learn from running. And then there are the unexpected lessons from our team experiences. Would any of us have ever imagined the satisfaction which comes from sharing within a team? The little bit extra we all find within ourselves in order to make the team finish stronger and better? And now....WOW....to have Holly share such great news with us. Continued recovery and good health, Holly. I can't wait until we can all celebrate face to face, sharing the miles again or just counting our blessings that we have all been privileged to come to know each other as this odd assortment of friends, runners and musicians. May these friendships last forever.


Hey, has anyone heard about the "official video" to be offered from this year's race? I understand it can be personalized with up to 10 team photos.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Results are In!

They just posted the first of the results for the race and it can now be said we officially finished in 30:40:11. Not only that, we ran a great strategic race, saving ourselves for the second half of the race, in other words a negative split! Our pace at exchange 6 was 9:45.3 (139th place). At exchange 23 we were at a 9:15.9 pace (106th place) and at exchange 38 the pace was 9:06.7 (89th place). Over the final 2 legs we continued to gain in pace and place thanks in large part to Jonathon's anchor leg. Our final place was 85th. You all make me proud to have been amongst you in this truly team accomplishment.

What'cha Got Left?

My intentions had been to shoot a lot more pictures, especially of the various handoffs throughout the race. In fact, one of the considerations in lining out the leg assignments was to vary the handoffs in order to create a bit more interplay amongst our runners. Not that anything extraordinary was needed in order to foster the camaraderie on the team. I love the feel of friendship and respect which we have and I thank each of you for making that so.

All of this is in explaining why I didn't get a picture of that final sprint at the transition from leg 38 to 39. As Alan rounded into that final stretch and his handoff to Liz, both he and the runner from another team burst into full speed, responding to the question "What'cha got left?" This was a jaw dropping experience for those of us fortunate enough to have been there.

Jaw dropping also was our overall effort. Surely we benefited from the 12 runner rotation, but we also got some great contributions from everyone on the team, from Alan's opening leg to Jon's final leg, from Liz's long leg 3 to Maeve's toughing it out in the heat and humidity on leg 36. Let's everyone pat ourselves on the back and be thankful at once for the efforts of our teammates.

Finally, I want to thank each of you for running with the team and making this the team effort it was. Thanks for your cooperation. Thanks to those who drove the vans, navigated, exhibited such patience with the u-turns (I can only refer to van 1 here), and to all of you for journeying on in the dark and well beyond any frailties and limitations. You were and are great!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I just reconfirmed the following and know that things will be great:

3 Rooms at Best Western Regency Inn and Suites, 1811 E Sarah Dewitt Drive, Gonzales, TX
(This is 2-3 blocks east of the stadium on Hwy 90) - Confirmation Number 442749877

Holly and Liz - One Room - two queen beds
Fred and Dorian - One Room - two queen beds (or one King Bed)
Alan and Marie - One Room - two queen beds (or one King bed)

The hotel is fully booked and they did have a reservation for a King room that needed to be two Queen beds. I told them they could change either of the last two reservations to a King bed.

Rate is $85.00 with approximately $12.00 in tax = $97.00 per room

One Room at Sleep Inn and Suites, 2138 Water St, Gonzales, TX
(This is located one block north of Hwy 90 on Hwy 183) - Confirmation Number 127548991

James Baker - One King Room

Looking forward to next year, I just wanted to let y'all know that there were snafu's with this years Sleep Inn and Suites reservation. When they had to cancel my initial reservation due to overbooking, they agreed to compensate us by reserving 4 rooms (suites - two queen beds and a sleeper sofa in each room) for next year at a $50.00 per room rate. I should receive confirmation of this booking by the end of the month. Luckily, they called back two days after canceling my initial reservation and had a room available, so James doesn't have to sleep at the Gonzales gym. I was happy that they agreed to a "compensation" package for next year!

That's the update for now. HAPPY RUNNING!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Final Leg Assignments

My apologies again for the considerable changes from the assignments I posted a few days ago, but we are all happy that Maeve will take her place amongst us:

Alan 1, 9, 21, 38 [20.95]
Dorian 2, 10, 22, 37 [20.31]
Liz 3, 12, 23, 39 [20.08]
Jon 5, 11, 24, 40 [19.61]
James 13, 25, 35 [14.3]
Steve 14, 26, 33 [14.09]
Fred 15, 27, 34 [15.97]
Denise 4, 17, 28 [12.74]
Marie 6, 16, 30 [15.61]
Holly 7, 18, 29 [14.31]
Maeve 20, 31, 36 [16.94]
Brian 8, 19, 32 [16.76]

Thanks to the mighty four at the top of the list who are taking 4 legs each. You are our heroes. Also, thanks to Liz for volunteering again for leg 3, which is ranked as the most difficult of the 40 legs. Note that we should finish with flying feet as the final 5 legs feature Maeve, Dorian, Alan, Liz and Jon, our speediest runners.

Now....let's take a deep breath and get ready to have a GREAT time.

Our New Team Shirts

Alright, I admit we were outclassed last year by some of the other teams who wore team colors and shirts which looked alike. I know Brenda wanted to make amends there and she was also anxious to decorate our vans. I guess all that underwear on the Victorious Secret vans just rubbed her the wrong way. Well, we still won't compete for best decorated van, but we WILL sport team shirts. This is the front of the shirt. My wife, Jane Dunnewold, executed the design and added the fine touch of gold leaf on the "S" in Symphony. "TIR 2008 - 31:18:02" will remind us of last year's time and perhaps encourage our legs to move at a pace which will get us there just a little faster this year.

It was Brenda who suggested the slogan "Come and overtake us" for the back of the team shirt. I hope this doesn't serve as incentive for the other teams to come roaring past us. It IS a clever play on the overall theme of "Come and Take It" which, by the way, we will display with our own flag which we got by registering early for this year's race. The number 65, of course, is our team number from last year, and this year too.

The shirts are long sleeve, 70/30 cotton/poly blend with Dri-balance wicking. I know we are all particular about the clothing we run in and I don't imagine any of us will run any of our legs in these shirts, but I do intend us to show our "colors" at the very end of the race. BTW, the official end, where the final timing is taken, will be prior to the so-called .38 mile "epilogue". This means Jonathon can slip into a team shirt for that final team finish.

One final note: The generous supporters of the Mid-Texas Symphony answered my appeal for financial aid with a contribution of $250. I am sure you will all join me in words of thanks for this generosity.

And Then There Were 12

Although I know that last year we ran the TIR with a team of 10, I had hoped to upgrade this year to a team of 12. The addition of Dorian and Fred to the already proven 2008 team seemed like a great way to go, despite Jonathon's contention that a team of 12 would present less challenge than a team of 10, or 11. (Don't worry, Jon, you still get your assignment for 4 legs totaling almost 20 miles.)

Let it be, I thought, as I played through every option I could think of for a 12th runner. Everywhere I turned I found no 12th taker, so you can imagine how Maeve Goetz's email yesterday, saying she might still be able to run with us, lifted my spirits. But this morning it looked as if this was not meant to be. Maeve still has to attend a track meet on Saturday. However, a little creative scheduling was explored and I'm pleased to tell all of you that Maeve will now be with us as our twelfth runner. She will get three leg assignments, which means several of us who were not especially keen to log four legs will fall back to three legs. Alright Brian and Fred, take a break. Your mileage has gone down by 4 or 5 miles. My mileage goes down too, which I hope will allow me to pick my pace a little more aggressively.

Brenda has been chomping at the bit to manage the van assignments, so it's all now in her hands. I anticipate that there will be some van changing required, though we will keep that to a minimum. Just in case Brenda encounters some problems insurmountable from the rather creative leg assignments I came up with, I will hold off for a little while before posting the new and final assignments. Thanks to everyone for their understanding. We are now a much stronger team with the addition of Maeve. Weather and other conditions permitting, we just might be able to challenge last year's surprisingly good finish time of 31:18:02.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

This Weekend's Races

Congratulations to several of our runners who were running this weekend. Marie and Alan Pekarik raced the Rodeo Run 10K in Houston with finish times of 55:45.93 (Marie) and 52:33.81 (Alan). Also, Holly ran the half marathon portion of the Cowtown Marathon in Ft. Worth. Congratulations to everyone.

Packing List etc.

First, how happy is everyone we were not out there running last night and before sunrise today? I had intended to run a few more miles last night after getting off work at midnight, but a few blasts of that cold air changed my mind. Of course, had we been on the road last night we would have each buckled down and figured out how to give our best. That's what I like about this team and I thank each of you for your commitment.

Looking at the extended weather forecast for next weekend, it appears to be very similar to what we ran in last year. It ought to be mild at night and somewhat on the warm and sunny side Saturday afternoon. I doubt rain will be a factor. However, as Steve will attest from last year, the brisk winds this time of year could well work against us. There's not much we can do beyond knowing the running will be especially challenging if you end up with one of those legs.

Packing for the expected and unexpected is always the challenge. Each of you should judge how many changes of running clothes you might need. Also, allow for something to keep you from chilling during those extended periods of not running. Sweat pants and a sweat shirt are probably perfect. I think the coldest I got last year was sitting at a restaurant in Houston at about 5 in the morning. We all know the wisdom of layering, so let's practice it.

Additional socks. A second pair of shoes, especially if there might be a rogue shower. Hats. I will try to have some communal sun screen, but if you think about it put in a personal serving. Also, please bring your own snacks, energy gels or bars, etc. Please bring your own water bottle. I'll have a mess of those hand carried water bottles like I had last year, but I don't think I have enough for everyone.

As with last year, I will supply servings of Recoverite for each van. I think this is an especially useful post run supplement and I hope everyone will use it. Also, Steve offered another Hammer product, called Perpetuum, which I think also makes a great supplement. We will have some of that available also. We will also keep a water supply with each van and maybe a bag of fruit as well. We can compare notes on these items between now and then and especially Friday night.

I have signed us up for the shower stop in Wallis, near leg 23. As you recall from last year, we had a chance to shower and lay our weary bodies down on the gymnasium floor for a few hours. According to Jay Hilscher, the co-coordinator of the race, demand is high for this mid-race oasis, so brace yourselves for having to wait in line for a shower and simply know that the wait will be worth it when you get the sweat and the road grime rinsed off. BRING A TOWEL and any other toiletries you require. I will pack an array of sleeping bags (I think I have three). If a few of you could also pack sleeping bags it would be useful. As with last year, if we have at least 6 sleeping bags we can get by.

I have reserved a 7 passenger van from the San Antonio end and Alan will do the same from Houston. Even though we will have one additional runner than last year (11 total) we should have more space since there are no additional drivers. (If you missed it earlier, Alan and Marie will share the driving of Van 2 and Steve and I will drive Van 1.) Nevertheless, let's know that space will still be finite, so please pack with consideration of what you absolutely need but with consideration also for your fellow runners.

Final considerations: First, I know this is not absolutely thorough nor is it final. There will be more details to communicate (i.e. motel and room assignments for Friday night). On Sunday, Van 2 will stay in Houston. Van 1 will return to San Antonio by way of Gonzales. This should work out perfectly in terms of space, assuming Jon will be staying in Houston.

Remember that our start time is 6:38 Saturday morning. We will need to meet prior to that so I can get everyone signed off on the required waiver. This applies principally to those who won't be staying overnight on Friday in Gonzales: Steve, Jon, Brian and Denise.

Call me at (210)834-1402 if you have any unresolved concerns. Please stay healthy! and happy training.