I’ve been reworking our worksheet, planning an 11 runner scenario, and this is how it would look. I invite everyone on the team to examine this and let me know if you have any doubts or suggestions. Let’s understand that with the 11 runner configuration, 7 runners will run 4 legs each and 4 will run 3 legs each. In some cases, the 3 leg runners are asked to give some substantial mileage. Anyhow here’s the lineup:
Denise – 3 legs=12.19
Holly – 3 legs=14.97
Liz – 4 legs=20.61
James – 4 legs=18.9
Dorian – 4 legs=20.42
Fred – 4 legs=18.95
Jon – 4 legs=19.63
Steve – 3 legs=15.66
Brian – 4 legs=20.75
Marie – 3 legs=17.71
Alan – 4 legs=21.88
I intend to continue working through various configurations to better use the team strengths. It would seem logical to add a few more miles to Jonathon’s load, but it becomes somewhat tricky to do that while still giving him the down time he needs and allowing for him to run the anchor.
So, I guess the bottom line is that several of us will get a bit more mileage than I had originally intended, assuming we have to go with the 11 runner rotation. I have feelers out in a number of locations for a 12th runner, so we might all hope someone answers that plea. On the other hand, Jon wrote to me some time ago arguing that going with a 12 runner roster would diminish the challenge of last year’s race. Maybe this is circumstances coming to support Jon’s argument, at least presenting a compromise. Does this make you happier, Jon? (only kidding)
Farewell Haile Gebrselassie
14 years ago
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