How the year has rushed past us! It seems only months ago that we were all together for the TIR, but in fact it has been more than 9 months. That's many miles ago in runner time. Here's hoping everyone's miles have been good as we begin to look to the not distant horizon of the TIR 2011.
As is always my practice as captain of our team, my priority is to invite everyone who raced with us last year to race again this year. However, we inevitably end up with some shift in personnel and I find myself trying to track down replacements at the last moment. This year I am hopeful that everyone can give me an unqualified commitment to run with the team the weekend of March 5-6. Please take a look at your calendars and let me know if you spot a conflict which will impact your participation.

Alan Pekarik
Marie Pekarik
Liz Levin Pittel
Fred Ramirez
Dorian Ramirez
Jonathan Hager
Steve Hager
Maeve Goetz
Holly Brackin
Arturo Aldama
David Horne
James Baker
Participant costs should be about the same as last year. Fuel costs will vary. I will again solicit a donation from the Mid-Texas Symphony. They have been consistently generous to us the past 3 years, and I would imagine they will be reliable this year too. Brenda the Wrunner Wrangler already has a block of rooms reserved in Gonzalez for the Friday before the starting cannon. She's also got another super van reserved as van 1. Additionally, consensus seems to favor the mid-point motel rooms. Unless I hear significant protest, we'll do that again this year.
This blog makes a good central location for communication, and it will continue to serve us. However, since many of us are already Facebook subscribers I am considering setting up a Mid-Texas Symphony runners page so we can communicate daily and less formally. It would be cool to see the running and other activities of our team shared with each other. I believe the only non-Facebook teammates are Alan, Marie and Liz. How about it guys and gals? Are we interested in this? I'm happy to start the ball rolling, thus allowing everyone to learn of Holly's bowling nights, Steve's recent success at getting his daughter to run a 5K with him, Arturo's running with the deer, plus race reports from everyone.
Enough for now. Please, everyone! Let me know your status for this year's race. Thanks, and happy running.
Less than three months away? Where has the time gone?